My Tattoo Removal Story

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Being a tattoo artist at the time I said, "what the heck I will get my fingers tattooed" I hated the ugly card suit tattoos I got on my fingers about five minutes after getting them. They are crooked, faded and of poor quality. Although I disliked the tattoos I still got more on my fingers. The work on these tattoos was excellent,and the tattoo designs where fine, but none the less, at some point, I began to regret all the tattoos on my fingers. I tried a few methods of removing them, mostly trying to scratch them off with an emery board. The result was not much success and more pain than I was wanting.

Nothing free was really working so I figured it was time to spend some money. I ordered a home tattoo fading system. I had checked out a couple of products and bought one online. By the time I got the product in my hand I had a serious growing desire to have the tattoos removed from my fingers. The creams were meant to fade the tattoo slowly over time. A slow fade is great for someone with an ankle regret or a bad lower back tattoo design, but I found myself unsatisfied with the results. There were definite results, the tattoos where fading, but I needed faster, lightning fast, laser fast.

If you are looking into tattoo removal, tattoo removal lasers are the pinnacle of the tattoo removal process. Of all the methods, laser removal has the fastest most intense results. I looked into the process for a few weeks. By chance, I looked into a local paper and saw an ad for laser tattoo removal $50 per square inch. I thought "wow that's a good price",better than what I had been quoted before. I called the tattoo removal clinic and made an appointment just to have a consultation. I was pretty nervous about the process but also very impressed with the before and after pictures I had seen on the internet. At the consultation I was told that the tattoos on my fingers would be about three inches combined so the per treatment cost would be $150. I felt like that was a good price, then she said it would take 8-12 treatments to fully remove them and that the green may never come out. She also said after the first treatment the tattoos may actually get darker. I was undeterred and made an appointment for the following week. The day of the appointment I went to the the tattoo removal clinic, filled out the paperwork and paid my money. I was given instructions about the aftercare process and told what to expect. The tattoo removal laser operator and myself donned super high tech goggles that looked ridiculous. Then it began, and I cursed so much so that I was actually embarrassed. The operator was very nice, stating how the first treatment would be the most intense since the ink was compact in the skin so the first few shots where really the worst of the whole thing. The process took only minutes, maybe ten minutes to complete both hands.

So for me the removal cream was a good thing I'm glad I tried it and would use it again.The cost of the creams or chemical peels, to the cost of the tattoo removal laser is not even comparable. I have spent so far $450 dollars on laser removal and the cream was nowhere near that much. The fading is slow,so its really up to the person and how much they want the tattoo off and how soon.Tattoo removal is a lot harder than getting it done, the process is way longer, what ever method you use getting a tattoo off will take time and money

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