Secrets to Selecting a Tattoo Parlor and Avoiding Unwanted Pain

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You have made up your mind and you are going to get that dream tattoo you have always wanted. Obviously, you want the experience to be a good one and you certainly don't want to catch a disease in the process nor do you want to be put through any unnecessary pain. There are lots of tattoo parlors, so how do you go about selecting one that is right for you?

1 - One of the best ways to go is to be referred by someone who has had a positive experience at a parlor. While the referral process can come unstuck from time to time, it generally is a safe option, particularly, if you have seen the artist's work. On this point, if a friend has been tattooed by a particular artist within a parlor and you know his/her work is good, it will be to your advantage to book that same artist.

2 - Having a good reputation in the local community is a sure fire way of making sure your choice is a good one. A good reputation can take years to acquire and most successful businesses work hard on making sure their reputation is solid. Reputation is based on how well a particular business handles every aspect of its operation. From presentation of the store, through to customer service, value for money and operating standards. A shortcoming in any of these areas will travel through the local community, so do your research and ask around.

3 - Given that you are a customer, you have every right to make sure that the business is licensed so don't be frightened to ask to see evidence that is the case. It would be foolhardy to subject yourself to a back yard operation that is unlicensed or that has poor operating standards. The risks to your health would be more costly in the long run than the few bucks you saved by not going to a professional.

4 - Visit the salon and look around. Is it clean and tidy? Talk with the owner about the salon's cleaning and hygiene practises. A professional outfit would be glad to talk with you about these matters and if you aren't convinced, don't walk away - RUN - Run for your life!

5 - Last but not least, how do you feel about the artist? Is there a connection there and are you getting positive vibes that you are dealing with a professional? If you are getting warm fuzzy feelings, then chances are you are on a winner.

Selecting a tattoo parlour is only half the fun of getting a tattoo, choosing the right design is the other half of the equation. They are equally as important as each other so do your homework on the design and the parlor so there are no regrets after the event.

Ways You Can Design Your Own Tattoo With Creative Ideas

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Since tattoos become a mark of who you are, it is best to design your own tattoo so that you can show people your own unique personality. Nowadays, there are so many available tattoo designs which people all over the world are choosing. For this reason, when you come across someone who has an identical tattoo as yours, you no longer feel unique. So if you would like to have a more meaningful tattoo which you will always adore, the best answer is to design it by yourself.

This concept works best if you are truly a creative and artistic person. Otherwise, you can ask a friend to design a tattoo for you instead. But whatever option you choose, just make sure that you will not see someone wearing a similar tattoo to yours. This can make you feel disappointed and wishing that you have chosen another design instead.

Always keep in mind that getting a permanent tattoo will be on your body forever unless you will be willing to pay a few extra dollars so that you can have it removed by going through a laser treatment. For this reason, you have to make sure that you have chosen a tattoo graphic which you will always like and never get tired of.

If you are not a creative person, another option you can have is to look up different tattoo designs and then mix them together. This will let you create a unique tattoo which only you know of. There are hundreds of tattoo designs which you can find online. And because of this, the chances of having someone choose the combination of the two tattoos which you have made is minimal. Unless of course that person saw you and chose to replicate your unique tattoo.

One last option you have so that you can get a unique tattoo is to get the service of an artist. Before you choose your artist, you have to write down your ideas first and obtain samples of the style, look, and feel of the tattoo design you want. Since there are several tattoo designs which you can find on the internet, you can easily pick out a few which are comparable to the style and look you are going after. With this, the artist you have chosen can easily determine the concept you are looking for with regards to design your own tattoo.

Top Tattoo Designs - Customize Your Tattoo to Fit You Perfectly!

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You don't want to have art on your body that everybody else already has. This is just not good because your tattoo should mean something to you and have some symbolism. This is important because it is your tattoo and it is not coming off any time soon. Here is how to get the top tattoo designs for you on your body.

First, you need to join a database of printable and custom tattoos. This will give you access to thousands of designs and you can have them customized to fit what you want. This is a great thing and you will be all set with one of these databases to get what you want put on your body.

Next, you want to pick a design that is either exactly what you want or pretty close to what you are looking for. You can have things deleted or added by your actual artist later so if it is not exactly what you want, then don't worry it can be customized.

Now you will need some transfer or temporary tattoo paper to test your new tattoo design out. This will give you an idea of whether you like it on your body or not. You can print it right from your computer and wear it for a few days to see if you like it and if you like it on that specific area of your body. If not you can test a new one until you find just what you like.

Need a Tattoo Idea? Tattoo Designs and Ideas

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Need a Tattoo Idea or Design? Well you have come to the right place. With the growing popularity of tattoos, you cannot help but think about getting one. One thing that you want to make sure you do is get a tattoo idea that you will like forever, because tattoos are permanent. Unless of course you are willing to pay a ton of money to get it removed.

You may have a great tattoo idea but cannot find a design or picture that you really like enough to go and get it done. Some people search for a tattoo design for several months before they finally get one. The basic idea when getting a tattoo is that you should really do your research and find something you really like. Whatever you do, don't just go into a tattoo parlor and pick out one of their tattoo designs and get it done. You should take your time and think about the design. Here are some possible solutions.

Research your tattoo idea. Many times you may have an idea of the exact tattoo you want, then you browse through some tattoo designs and you find a similiar one that you like better. This is one great reason why you shouldn't just pick a tattoo idea out of the tattoo parlor book. While many people have a picture in mind for their tattoo, some people consider Japanese or Chinese lettering. You can spell out a name or something special to you. So you see, a tattoo doesn't always have to be a picture of something. It should really be whatever you want, after all it is your body. Don't get a tattoo just because you saw a cool tattoo picture.

After you research your tattoo idea it is a good idea to browse the internet for other possible tattoo designs. You never know, you may come across a whole new idea that you like better than your old one. This is why research comes in handy because you don't want to go get a tattoo and then find an incredible tattoo design months later and regret your first one. Many search engines will help you out greatly. Just try a search on google for "tattoo idea". You will get some great tattoo ideas.

Now that you have picked out a tattoo design you may want to go and seek out a worthy tattoo artist. This can be difficult. You don't just want to get your tattoo at the first parlor you walk into. Again, research is key. Ask people you know where they got their tattoo and how the artist was. Many times you can find a tatto artist that will draw your tattoo idea so you can visualize how it will look once on your skin.

If you follow these steps you will appreciate it in the long run. Just because you have a tattoo idea now doesn't mean there is not a better one out there. Do you research and pick something you like.

Find a great tattoo idea now!

Tattoo Designs For Girls - The Best Tattoo Designs For Women

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With the gaining popularity of tattoos, there are many women young and old alike who are finding that getting one is a great way to express themselves. There are many different tattoo designs for girls like the small ones, cute ones and ones that can be very risque. The places that some girls will put a tattoo can make even a hard-core biker cringe, like in the pubic area, on the breast, or even in the small of the back, just above the pants line.

What are some of the most popular cute, small tattoos that women get the most? Butterflies, fairies, flower designs, and even specialty tattoos with names of their children, or boyfriend, (although this is not generally recommended.) are the most popular designs to name a few. While some women are inclined to get a tattoo in risque places, on or between the breasts is not really a good idea. One reason is that breasts grow or droop over time, which can warp the tattoo, no matter what kind it is. Then again, face is painful and hard to cover up in case you are visiting relatives, or your boyfriend's parents.

Some of the most popular places that women get tattoos can be the small of the back, just above the butt, because it can be shown off or hidden, depending on what you are wearing at the time. The upper arm is another popular spot, and there are many different designs that fit really well in this area. There are tribal armbands, rings of roses wrapped by thorns and many different heart designs. The middle of the back, between the shoulder blades is another good location, and there are many different styles and sizes to choose from.

What other things besides being cute and cuddly make a woman's tattoo different from a guy? For one thing, they are not inked in the face like many male oriented tattoos are. Some women use many brighter colors than the dark color used in tattoos for guys. Usually the lines are lighter, and more feminine than a man's tattoo outline.

One of the things that sets a girl's tattoo apart from guys is that many women can get temporary tattoos applied using Henna. This is not a permanent ink, though it does last far longer than an applique or even one that has been sprayed on. In some cases, a girl will try out whether she really wants something more permanent by getting a Henna tattoo put on first. One of the nice parts about Henna other than the fact that it is temporarily, is that a girl can place them wherever they would be able to place the permanent ones. This way she can try different areas on her body before committing to it.

If you are a woman looking for small and cute tattoos, a good place to start is by looking at all the available best tattoo designs that can be found online. There are so many different websites to choose from, some of these will let you download a printed copy of the one you like, either for a small fee, or even free in some locations. If you have tattoo artists in your local area, check with each one carefully for safety before you commit.

My Tattoo Removal Story

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Being a tattoo artist at the time I said, "what the heck I will get my fingers tattooed" I hated the ugly card suit tattoos I got on my fingers about five minutes after getting them. They are crooked, faded and of poor quality. Although I disliked the tattoos I still got more on my fingers. The work on these tattoos was excellent,and the tattoo designs where fine, but none the less, at some point, I began to regret all the tattoos on my fingers. I tried a few methods of removing them, mostly trying to scratch them off with an emery board. The result was not much success and more pain than I was wanting.

Nothing free was really working so I figured it was time to spend some money. I ordered a home tattoo fading system. I had checked out a couple of products and bought one online. By the time I got the product in my hand I had a serious growing desire to have the tattoos removed from my fingers. The creams were meant to fade the tattoo slowly over time. A slow fade is great for someone with an ankle regret or a bad lower back tattoo design, but I found myself unsatisfied with the results. There were definite results, the tattoos where fading, but I needed faster, lightning fast, laser fast.

If you are looking into tattoo removal, tattoo removal lasers are the pinnacle of the tattoo removal process. Of all the methods, laser removal has the fastest most intense results. I looked into the process for a few weeks. By chance, I looked into a local paper and saw an ad for laser tattoo removal $50 per square inch. I thought "wow that's a good price",better than what I had been quoted before. I called the tattoo removal clinic and made an appointment just to have a consultation. I was pretty nervous about the process but also very impressed with the before and after pictures I had seen on the internet. At the consultation I was told that the tattoos on my fingers would be about three inches combined so the per treatment cost would be $150. I felt like that was a good price, then she said it would take 8-12 treatments to fully remove them and that the green may never come out. She also said after the first treatment the tattoos may actually get darker. I was undeterred and made an appointment for the following week. The day of the appointment I went to the the tattoo removal clinic, filled out the paperwork and paid my money. I was given instructions about the aftercare process and told what to expect. The tattoo removal laser operator and myself donned super high tech goggles that looked ridiculous. Then it began, and I cursed so much so that I was actually embarrassed. The operator was very nice, stating how the first treatment would be the most intense since the ink was compact in the skin so the first few shots where really the worst of the whole thing. The process took only minutes, maybe ten minutes to complete both hands.

So for me the removal cream was a good thing I'm glad I tried it and would use it again.The cost of the creams or chemical peels, to the cost of the tattoo removal laser is not even comparable. I have spent so far $450 dollars on laser removal and the cream was nowhere near that much. The fading is slow,so its really up to the person and how much they want the tattoo off and how soon.Tattoo removal is a lot harder than getting it done, the process is way longer, what ever method you use getting a tattoo off will take time and money

Tattoo Designs - Ideas To Consider

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Every day thousands of people elect to get a tattoo, but can't decide which design to use. It's a difficult decision unless you know what you want. Not only are there an unlimited number of tattoo designs available, you've got the permanancy factor to overcome. In all likelihood, your new tattoo will be with you for life, so you've got to be certain that your choice of design will be as relevant to you years into the future as it is today.

Tattoos are a highly personal items and can mean so many different things to each person. For example, some people use tattoos to express their personality, some people use them to show their love for another person, while some people see tattoos as art and their body as an empty canvas.

Perhaps the best way to go about finding your perfect tattoo design is to ask the basic question, "Why do I want a tattoo?". Hopefully that should help you to narrow down your options.

The next stage is to look at as many different tattoo styles as possible. Weed out the styles and the types of design that you don't like and see what's left. At present, some of the most popular tattoo designs include;

1) Angel

Angel tattoos are popular with people who want to reflect the religious or spiritual side of their personality. Alternatively, if you would like an angelic design without the religious overtones, why not consider a fairy tattoo?

2) Butterfly

A butterfly tattoo represents grace and freedom. They also symbolize beauty, which makes them popular with women. They're also perfect for people who have never had a tattoo before or those who want a small tattoo.

3) Celtic

These ancient patterns and designs, which are often represented by elaborate knots and crosses are perfect for anyone with Scottish or Irish family connections.

4) Cross

Again, these designs can symbolize religious faith, but they're also commonly used with eternity symbols to show enduring love or friendship. So they're good if you want to get a tattoo with your children's names on it.

5) Flowers

Flower tattoos are a sign of beauty, growth and regeneration. And if you want a bright, vibrant tattoo with plenty of color, flowers will give you an endless number of possibilities.

6) Stars

Star tattoo designs are extremely popular and as such have come to symbolize a different cultural, social and religious meaning for many millions of people. In general, star tattoos represent positivity, dreams and high ambitions.

7) Tribal

Tribal tattoo designs have got a long and diverse history. Over the years different styles and shapes have come to represent many different historical tribes and cultures. So they're great for people who want to show a connection with their past ancestors.

But beyond the actual design that you choose, there are a number of factors that will help to personalise your tattoo.

Some tattoos, mainly the larger designs, such as dragons, angels, birds etc, are much more elaborate and intricate. The attention to detail is amazing and the end result is a highly lifelike piece of artwork. Alternatively, many tattoos, mainly the smaller designs, such as hearts, stars, flowers etc, are much simpler and more like a cartoon character in style. Colorful but with less detail.

Which brings us to the issue of color. The colors chosen for your design play a large part in the overall look and spirit of your tattoo. In general, women tend to select smaller tattoos with bright, vibrant colors. On the other hand, men go for larger designs with more muted color and extra detail to make the design look as lifelike as possible.

If you want to emphasize a side of your life, such as your beliefs or your culture, it's possible to combine traditional tattoo designs with items that reflect these values. For example, your design could incorporate a small cross, tribal lettering or even the colors of your home country's flag.

And finally, if you want the ultimate in personalisation, some people have their tattoo custom designed by an artist to combine several items that represent the various themes of their life. So in effect their tattoo or tattoos tell their life story.

How to Find a Printable Tattoo on the Internet

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When you consider getting a tattoo, whether it's your first or second, there are two crucial things to consider. The initial thing to consider is the design, which you want to be special, as it's going to be part of you forever. The second thing to consider is that the tattoo personally embodies meaning, and reflects who you are.

A printable tattoo is a popular way in finding unique quality tattoo designs that reflect your personality and story.

When people want to get a tattoo, many people rely on the tattoo artist and their catalogs for inspiration. This is limiting as you are only being exposed to one artists designs. Seeing as though this is something that will be permanent, you really want to be able to see a large number of designs from different tattoo artists before you make your final decision.

Instead of using your valuable time running around to different tattoo artists, there is a much easier way to search for great inspirational tattoos, and that way is on the internet. There are a huge number of printable tattoos on the web that will inspire you for your next tattoo. This is a cleverer way to look for tattoos because not only does it save you time, but there are literally thousands and thousands of different designs to choose from to get inspired.

Once you find that unique tattoo that suits your style and personality, all you have to do is print it out and take it down to your local tattoo shop where the artist can replicate that design.

The next big question is where do you find those great inspirational tattoo designs on the internet?

Well there are lots of websites that offer printable tattoos. A lot of these sites offer free tattoo designs that one can print out and use, but as the old saying goes, you get what you pay for. Generally the quality of these tattoos are not good and they lose their uniqueness as anyone can print them out.

A really good idea to get a unique tattoo is to pay for one. The reason is because you are going to have access to more exclusive designs, unlike your tattoo artist and the free websites. You are also less likely to see someone with the same tattoo.

It's crazy how many people choose a tattoo that will be there forever without taking the time to find a tattoo design that they love and that represents what they stand for. By paying a small amount for a top notch exclusive design, they will most certainly get something they really like and is unique.

When looking for a great printable tattoo, ask yourself these few questions which will help you find an inspirational design:

* What inspires me?

* What do I aspire to?

*What image strengthens who I am?

Tattoo History

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Tattoos are a very old form of body art that go back to ancient times when many cultures used them. Some historians say that tattoos go back 5000 years, while others believe they go back well over 10000 years.

The earliest known evidence of tattooing goes back to markings found on the mummified human body that was discovered in the Alp Mountains in 1991. 5300 years old Oetzi - The Tyrolean Iceman, the oldest European mummified human, was tattooed. 58 tattoos, which appeared to serve more than a simple decorative function as some of them represent known pressure or acupuncture points, has been found on his body. The fact that he was tattooed was not a coincidence and it was probably perfectly normal for people of his time to be tattooed.

Ancient Egypt where wall paintings as old as 2000 BC have been suggesting the use of tattoos is today generally accepted as the cradle of tattoo art. Tattoos have been found on a small number of female mummies. The example of this are the mummified remains of a priestess of the goddess Hathor who lived some time between 2160 BC and 1994 BC.

When the Egyptians expanded their empire, the art of tattooing spread to the civilizations of Crete, Greece, Persia, and Arabia. Around 2000 BC it spread to China. The Mayans were also known to have tattoos, as were the Aztecs and Incas. Tattooing became widespread among Polynesian peoples, and among certain tribal groups in the Philippines, Borneo, Africa, North America, and Japan.

The purpose of tattooing varied from culture to culture. The Greeks for example used it for communication among spies. Romans use them to mark criminals and slaves. Tahitian tattoos served as rites of passage, telling the history of the wearer's life. Tattoos served as symbols of religious and spiritual devotion, decorations for bravery, sexual lures and marks of fertility, pledges of love, amulets and talismans, protection, and so on.

Tattooing was rediscovered by Europeans when they came into contact with Polynesians and American Indians.

About the word - Tattoo

The word - tattoo originates from the Tahitian word ta-tau, meaning - to make a mark. Ta-tau means to mark or puncture the skin and is a reduplicated form of the word - ta - meaning - to strike. Tattauing or tattooing was a word introduced to Europe by Captain James Cook after his 1769 expedition to the South Pacific.

The history of tattoo began thousands of years ago and is as diverse as the people who had them. Today, tattooing is becoming more popular and accepted than it has ever been.

Cherry Blossom Tattoo Designs - Your Ultimate Guide

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Cherry Blossom Tattoo Designs could probably top the list of the most preferred tattoos by women. One cannot deny the beauty and delicate nature of every cherry blossom, perhaps being the reason why they are wanted by many aside from the fact that they have a very deep meaning both in the Chinese and Japanese culture. If you're considering getting a tattoo, and have already found a design that you like, it's best to find the meaning behind it before having it done. The worst thing that could happen is for you to regret the tattoo that'll be there on your skin forever.

In Chinese culture, the cherry blossom signifies feminine power and dominance. It exemplifies the beauty that women possess and the strength of character that they exude. In Chinese herbal lore, meanwhile, cherry blossoms symbolize love.

In Japanese culture holds an entirely different meaning for this beautiful flower. For them, cherry blossoms represent the transience of life. Since the flower is one that blooms for a very short period of time and withers right after. This also has a very deep connection with the Buddhist teachings regarding the emotional attachment to a particular outcome. The teaching says that all suffering will pass in time since everything in life is transitory.

The fallen cherry blossom in Japan stands for the life of a warrior which was cut short in battle. It also has a deep meaning in Japanese literature as it is connected with snow.

Knowing the beautiful and very symbolic meanings behind tattoo designs could not only help you decide but also add up to your knowledge of tattoo meanings. Once you find one that you like, it would be great to connect these meanings to your own perception of Cherry Blossom Tattoo Designs so that every piece of artwork marked on your body would have a special meaning which you could tell everyone about.

Old School Tattoo Removal Methods

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Today's methods for removing tattoos are far more advanced compared to those of yesteryears. 10 and 15 years ago there were very few methods for removing tattoos, which means you only had a few options to choose from. Well, within the past 5 to 10 years we have made some very useful advances in this arena.

The new advances in tattoo removal technology have made removing a tattoo so much easier and less painful compared to what people used to have to go through. It is funny to think about but it is true that about 10 years ago cryosurgery, dermabrasion, and excision were the most popular and well known methods for tattoo removal.

Cryosurgery was a method that was not very comfortable at all. This process was very old school and required your skin to be frozen so that during the removal of ink, you couldn't really feel any pain. Well, the problem with that is when your skin finally unfroze you felt lots of pain. Anyone who has ever had this done would probably not suggest it to anyone else regardless of the results.

Dermabrasion was the most commonly used method and is still used today by those who do not want to undergo laser removal. Dermabrasion is just that, abrasing the skin. This is aka from sanding down the skin to remove the top layers. You can imagine how painful this process could be if not done correctly. Back 10 ad 15 years ago, it was not. People were sanding there skin way too heavily causing things like bleeding, scarring, scabbing etc. This can be an effective method of tattoo removal but it has to be done over a period of time.

Excision is easily the dumbest and most painful way to remove a tattoo. Literally, some doctor would use a knife of some sort to cut our and remove the tattoo. That says enough right there but for informational purposes, there is more. After the tattoo was cut out, the doctor or his/her staff would stitch together the skin, which always every single time left a bad scar. If you were unlucky and dumb enough to use this method and had a large tattoo you probably ended up getting numerous skin grafts to close the open wound. Why not just live with the tattoo.

Tattoo Design Choice - Part 3

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Where will you place your next tattoo?

Hi there!

Deciding on a location for your tattoo can be as difficult as choosing a design for your tattoo...

One important decision to make is whether you want your tattoo to be visible to the world or in a more intimate

location where only you and your beloved will see the tattoo?

The largest organ of the body is the skin so there are certainly a lot of options when deciding where to place your


Although tattoos can go just about anywhere, some popular tattoo locations include the bicep, the calf, the ankle, the

back, the hip and even the neck and the chest.

For girls some of the most popular tattoo locations include the calf, the hip and the lower back. Most girls opt for

smaller tattoos in these locations and in the case of the lower back and the hip the tattoo is not always fully visible.

Guys are more visible by nature so it comes as no surprise that they typically have tattoos in locations that are more

visible to other people, like the bicep, shoulder or neck.

Does size really matter? Watch out for Part 4

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