Tattoo Ideas For Girls

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It is a hard to argue with the fact that a tattoo on a girl is sexy. Having the right tattoo can help to define a girls feminine features while also showing her to be self-assured and confident. Below we have some tattoo ideas for girls that should help you to choose a design that you will enjoy for a lifetime.

There are a few things to consider when considering ideas for your tattoo design. Taking a minute and writing down some of your interest is a good first step and will help with making the process of finding that dream tattoo a lot easier. Try to write a few concrete things down, such as dragons, angels or butterflies, you may also write something more abstract, such as "I would like a tattoo that represents my struggles with addiction". These are only examples; you should be able to make a rather large list in a short amount of time.

Now is the fun part, looking through the different online galleries of designs. Looking through the galleries should help give you great tattoo ideas for girls. You should keep in mind what kind of personality you have as this may factor into what kind of tattoo you want. If you are feminine and soft, you may want a tattoo that reflects that. On the opposite, you may be edge and there are many styles to fit that personality also.

Once you find a design that you like, it is important to consider the placement and also the size. Your artist will be able to help you with these, as they will change depending on where you place your tattoo.

This should not be a hard process, try to make it fun. Print out some designs and place them where you think they would look best. However you decide to go about finding that perfect tattoo I wish you the best of luck and that you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine.

Foot Tattoo Designs For Women - Best Tattoos For Feet & Ankles

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When you think of foot tattoo designs, what do you think about? For people who appreciate a rather feminine design, look at stars, butterflies, flowers or cute animals. On the other hand be aware of other tattoos which are more unisex though still widely popular. This article will focus on foot tattoo designs.

For instance, you may want to look into animals, tribal styled tattoos, or religious tattoos just for a start. All that matter is what you like and why the tattoo is important to you. Consider what your taste is like.

Ankle Tattoo Ideas

Though in the past people have felt that ankle tattoos were girly or feminine, the truth of the matter is that these tattoos can be striking and bold on anyone. What images do you want to see there?

For many people, ankle tattoos consist of things like hearts, butterflies, flowers and other similar flowing designs. Anime characters, Chinese characters and tribal work are common too. Lots of people think that ankle tattoos are an easy place to have inked, but this is certainly not the case. Because there is not much fat on the ankle and because it is essentially skin stretched over bone, it can in fact be quite painful!

Tattoos that are high on the ankle can be fairly painless, but the lower you go, the more you should expect it to hurt! When you want a tattoo that can be covered up for work, you'll find that an ankle tattoo or a foot tattoo is ideal. Wear some longer pants, a higher sock or some well-fitting jeans and you are good to go! They have style and they have convenience, so what more could you want? This is why we like the foot tattoo designs so much because of the versatility.

Pisces Tattoo Designs - Find Cool Pisces Tattoos

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Pisces Tattoo Designs are widely sought after and are one of the more popular tattoo designs out of the zodiac symbols. Many people who have the Pisces zodiac sign are generally thought to be creative, sensitive and artistic with a caring nature. By having this artistic quality it's not surprising to find quite a few tattoo enthusiasts born under this zodiac sign.

Here are 3 different representations of the Pisces Tattoo

Fish -
The fish is probably the most common association with Pisces and is a popular choice of tattoo design as a result. The fish is seen to represent being split into two different directions in life with those choosing to go with the current or choosing to swim against the current. A popular Pisces tattoo design is 2 fish swimming in opposite directions strung together by a single cord.

The Glyph -
The Pisces Glyph symbol is quite basic but very symbolic. Because this tattoo design is quite small it can be covered up if needed and shown off when you want it to be. The increase in popularity of ankle tattoos has resulted in more people getting the Pisces Glyph tattoo on their ankle.

Neptune -
Neptune is the dominant ruling figure when associated with Pisces. A wide range of Pisces tattoos associated with Neptune have been produced as a result. There is therefore a wide range of designs to choose from.

Other tattoo designs associated with Pisces that you could think of getting are water elements, Piscean flowers and the water lily flower.

Remember, when looking for your Pisces tattoo design make sure you carry out a wide range of research on different tattoo designs before making your final decision. I highly recommend you look through an online tattoo gallery which feature thousands of high quality tattoo designs. I have found it definitely helps when you have a number of different options to choose from.

Tattoo Designs - Avoid These Tattoo Trends!

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If you are thinking about getting a tattoo, definitely be aware of tattoo trends, and my advice would be to avoid them as well! There are trends in tattooing that come up every now and then where everyone and their brother hops on the bandwagon. Before you know it you have a ton of people looking all the same, because they decided to follow a trend.

Here are the different kinds of tattoo trends to avoid:

Tattoo Designs

There are certain trends which arise in regards to tattoo designs. For instance, remember the chain link design that people got around their bicep, ankle or wrist? For whatever reason everyone seemed to jump all over that trend. Then what happened? The trend died off and was no longer popular. A bunch of tattoo wearers now had chain link designs that were outdated and considered lame.

Another example are tribal tattoos. While tribal tattoos have their place and can provide meaning to some, for many others they simply wanted to jump on the tribal bandwagon because it became the popular style of the time.

Tattoo Placement

The next trend is where the tattoo is placed. This is also a trend you want to avoid. Many women for example have jumped on the "lower back tattoo" trend. So many have jumped on this bandwagon, that slang terms have now emerged for these type of tattoos: "tramp stamps". This is in response to the huge number of women who chose the lower back placement just because it was the popular thing to do at the time.

Make sure you make your tattoo placement choice based on your own personality and originality. If a lower back tat really does speak to you then that's great. But if you are just following a trend that you may later regret, then think twice and focus on you as an individual, not as a follower.

Tattoo Off Tattoo Removal Cream

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If you have a tattoo, then you know that they can be enchanting works of art that can make a powerful statement about who you are to the entire world. There is a chance, though, that you will either grow tired of having art inked onto your body or will want to start over and try again with a new design. If this is you, then removing a tattoo is probably your best course of action. This article describes how to do just that with Tattoo Off tattoo removal cream.

The Basics of Tattoo Removal

We may take tattoo removal for granted today, but it wasn't always an option. If you got a tattoo in the past, then it was yours forever. This is no longer the case. There are several methods you can choose from to remove tattoos.

Laser surgery is probably the most well-known way to remove a tattoo, but it can be very painful, not to mention prohibitively expensive for many.  Another choice is actual medical surgery, involving cutting out the skin with the tattoo and replacing it with skin grafts. You can imagine how painful and dangerous this procedure can be. The third alternative to these is with a cream that is designed to fade away a tattoo without pain, scarring, or other injury.

If this third option intrigues you, keep reading.

Tattoo Off Tattoo Removal Cream

We don't usually think of tattoos when we picture creams. Most of us think of athlete's foot or a bad rash, and don't realize that a cream can actually make a tattoo disappear. To understand this more fully, we'll talk about a specific brand of cream called Tattoo Off.

Tattoo Cream? Does it work?

Indeed it does! Tattoo Off is world-famous for its innovative two-step process that works beautifully for any tattoo you could possibly come up with. Within weeks, if you follow their directions, you too can be rid of your art forever. All you have to do is follow the simple two steps below:

Getting past the skin- The first step in the process is to use an all-natural formula with aloe and other healthy ingredients to penetrate the skin above your tattoo, soothing your skin and giving it healthy nutrients to maintain the surface so that you don't damage your skin in the process. Not only is this noninvasive; it's hypoallergenic too!

Getting rid of the ink- The second step is the key to the process: removing that stubborn ink. No matter what type of ink is in your body, Tattoo Off can take care of it by attacking the molecules. This is key because the ink has to be dealt with for a lasting solution.

In conclusion, if you want a brand of removal cream that is bio-friendly, non-abrasive, effective, and healthy for your skin, then you cannot go wrong with Tattoo Off. If you want your tat gone for good - the right way - then get your own supply of Tattoo Off today.

Japanese Dragon Tattoo Designs and Meaning

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The Japanese Dragon Tattoo is a very beautiful and colorful tattoo design and very symbolic, with its origins in myths and folklore. It is also very mystical, adding to the appeal of the Japanese dragon tattoo. Over the ages, from Egyptian times the dragon has represented good and also represented evil. However, the attraction of the Japanese dragon, apart from its stunning beauty is that it represents good luck and the source of wealth. The Japanese dragon also represents the meaning of freedom and being fearless, both very attractive qualities.

In the Greek language, dragon is sourced from draca, which means serpent.

Like the angel, the Japanese Dragon also has the meaning of guardianship, providing a protective force over those it was associated with. Other meanings associated with the Japanese dragon is strength and power. In Japanese culture the dragon is associated with supernatural powers, and amazing wisdom.

There are six forms of the Japanese Dragon. They are:

Sui-Riu is the king Dragon and is in control of the rain. Therefore in this day and age of drought he is all powerful!

Han-Riu has many stripes on his body and is up to forty feet in length. One of the biggest dragons.

Ri-Riu dragon is a rare breed that is not well understood. However, it is known that they have amazing eye sight.

Ka-Riu is a brilliant red color, and a petite dragon in comparison with the others.

Fuku-Riu is a favorite dragon of many people as it is the dragon of luck.

Hai-Riyo is known as the dragon bird, and the most advanced form of dragon. It evolved out of Chinese mythology.

The colors of the dragons have special significance, which are based on their parents. For example a dragon with a black color means their parents are very old and wise. Green dragons are smaller than average, but are representative of life and of the earth. Gold colored dragons are special because they have many special attributes such as wisdom, kindness and the ability to face challenges head on.

Yellow dragons represent the east. They are great companions when you need a hand, but can be self absorbed at times. Blue dragons are from the west. They are forgiving and compassionate, but on the negative side can be lazy and uncaring when it suits them.

Finding the right Japanese Tattoo Design for you can be quite daunting. Check out all the free sites on the net to get as many ideas as you can. Just remember that many other people have done the same thing to get ideas. For example, last month, over 41,000 people searched for dragon tattoo designs on Yahoo. Apparently, roughly 8 times that amount check out Google for the same search term. Then there is MSN and the other search engines. So a huge amount of people see the same free designs as you. If you want original Japanese Dragon tattoo designs, it is recommended that you check out books or other sources of tattoo designs that are not freely available. I have checked out three Japanese dragon tattoo galleries on the internet that have from 3,500 to 6000 different designs, so you will have no trouble finding what you want.

Tips For Tattoo Artists and Galleries

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Tattoo artist

Is it a standard practice to give a tip to a tattoo artist for a work well done? Getting a tattoo is not a usual and standard service consumers get, but to some people who do get tattoos, they are always asking whether it would be nice to offer a tip to their tattoo artist to show appreciation for the service done. Not far from the question is another one, which asks how much tip is advisable and is ethical. Surely, we all give tips to cab drivers, bartenders, delivery personnel and restaurant waiters, and because such a practice is well adopted, people have ideas on how much range they could ethically and nicely offer.

In truth, no one is forcing anyone to give a tip to the tattoo artist. The tattoo artist himself or herself is not usually expecting. As an unwritten rule of thumb, you should stick to how much you could afford and how much you think the service and tattoo result is worth when offering to give a tip to a tattoo artist. Tips to tattoo artists are usually symbolizing your appreciation and thankfulness for the art design that was just put on your body. A 5% to 10% tip based on the overall cost would be appreciated. Tattoo artists know for a fact that the tip amount would already cost so much because standard rates of good tattoos nowadays cost about $200 on the average.

Did you know that tips given to your tattoo artist could also assume many forms other than monetary? For example, you could give out goods as a token of appreciation. It may be a bit odd, but some tattoo clients bring cookies or chocolates to the tattoo artist in appreciation of a good tattoo session. What other form of tip could be greater than referring the tattoo artist to all your friends, who also aim to have a tattoo. You can offer to distribute the calling cards of a tattoo artist or put his sticker into your car.

On top of it all, the greatest tip you could possibly offer is the most priceless of them all. And what could that be? Appreciation. A simple gesture of appreciation and simple praises indicating how you love the tattoo would be the greatest token of appreciation a tattoo artist could ever have. That way, you should be generous in airing your appreciation. When you return for another tattoo someday, your tattoo artist would happily serve you as he or she remembers you as the good client that gets to appreciate a tattoo design very well.

Tattoo After Care

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So, you need to know about tattoo after care because you are ready to get a new tattoo!

It may be your first time, or it may be your tenth time, but in every case, you should review your tattoo after care instructions prior to getting your new tattoo. You might wonder about the logic about looking at the instructions before getting your new tattoo, but it is like baking a cake, you just don't want to make any mistakes with these instructions because new tattoos are open wounds and susceptible to infection.

You must be attentive to your new tattoo, and keep it as clean as possible to ensure that it heals as cleanly as possible so you prevent infection and end up with the nicest looking tattoo possible.

While the healing stages of a tattoo will be as unique to each individual as there are people in this world, the tattoo healing process does follow a general pattern. The specifics of each tattoo's healing process will depend on the different skin type of the individual, the location of the tattoo on the body, an the techniques of the tattoo artist. These factors can all cause a variance in the healing process from individual to individual.

You will be given aftercare instructions by your tattoo artist. These aftercare instructions differ from artist to artist. My recommendation to you is if in doubt about anything, always go back to your tattoo artist before seeking the help of a doctor. Your tattoo artist can take a look at your tattoo and tell what to do if their is a problem to correct any healing problems.

If your tattoo artist cannot help, they should send you for medical attention from a doctor. If they do not, then of course, you must go yourself to make certain that your health is not at risk. This is your responsibility.

Many times doctors don't know much about tattoos and will prescribe unnecessary medications that may harm your tattoo's healing process. Some doctors may even be biased against tattoos. That is why I suggest that you go to the tattoo artist first if you suspect their is a healing problem with your new tattoo. The artist works with tattoos day in and day out and is familiar with the best way to heal their work.

When you leave the tattoo studio, you will have a bandage on your new tattoo to protect it from outside contact. This bandage should be removed 2- 3 hours after getting your tattoo. Your tattoo may bleed a little for the first 24 hours, remember, your new tattoo is akin to an open wound.

Before you remove your bandage, make sure to wash your hands with soap and warm water, in between the fingers, and under the fingernails. Then dry your hands with a clean paper towel. Do not use any old towel that is laying there, or even a clean towel as lint may be transferred to your hands.

Make sure you have not let a large amount of blood dry on your bandage so that it sticks. Be very, very gentle as you remove your bandage so as not to start the tattoo bleeding again. If you just rip off your bandage, you can mess up the appearance of your new tattoo, and you don't want to do that, now do you?

Wash your tattoo gently, very gently with anti-bacterial soap and water to clean it. Do not scrub your tattoo, do not use a washcloth, or anything else other than your fingers or hand to clean the tattoo. Do not rub, but "pat" the tattoo as you wash it. Then, when you are finished, pat the tattoo dry with a clean dry paper towel. Or, use clean toilet paper even, if you don't have any paper towels on hand.

Let your tattoo air dry for 15 minutes or so. This will promote healing.

After your tattoo has dried, apply a few drops of Emu Oil to your tattoo. The presence of essential fatty acids along with the hyper-oxygenation of Emu Oil naturally increases the circulation to the applied area which is why Emu Oil works so well and so quickly to heal.

Even though it is an oil, it has been proved that Emu Oil does not clog pores (unlike most commercially made tattoo aftercare products that are petroleum based), therefore allowing the skin to breathe during the healing process. Emu Oil penetrates through all seven layers of the skin and is rich in nutrients (essential fatty acids) that feed the skin to aid in new cell development that can hasten the healing process. Emu Oil is also a natural emollient keeping the skin moist and pliable.

The application of the Emu Oil immediately after the tattoo has been cleaned will also relieve the discomfort and reduce the inflammation and redness of the new tattoo. Emu Oil will help set the new colors due to its deep penetrating properties and will help reduce plasma oozing.

Using Emu Oil 2-3 times a day after repeating the cleaning process while the tattoo heals will keep the area moist reducing or eliminating the flaking or scabbing that often occurs as new tattoos heal. Emu Oil can prevent the need for touch ups which saves the artist time and money, and makes for a happy tattoo customer.

New tattoos will look red and swollen immediately following the tattoo procedure. The tattoo will continue to appear this way for a few days throughout the tattoo healing process. Within a week to ten days the skin surrounding the tattoo should be more back to normal - most tattoos are completely healed in three weeks time.

While it is healing it is important not to do the following things or you may damage your tattoo:

- Do Not scratch your new tattoo

- Do Not pick at your new tattoo

- Do Not expose your tattoo to sunlight or tanning beds under any circumstances

- No swimming, hot tubs or baths the first two weeks after getting your new tattoo

- Do Not shave the tattooed area for at least 30 days following the tattoo procedure

- Only touch your tattoo with clean hands, do not let others touch your tattoo

Not only is Emu Oil good for healing new tattoos, it is good for restoring older, aged, sun damaged tattoos as well. This is due to the natural hyper-oxygenation of Emu Oil which brings blood and oxygen to the surface of the skin. This, coupled with Emu Oil's ability to moisturize through all seven layers of the skin, allows users to see quick results when the oil is applied to older tattoos.

With the proper care of your tattoo from the start, there is no reason why you shouldn't enjoy the beauty of your tattoo for a lifetime.

Sparrow Tattoo

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What does a Sparrow Tattoo mean?

Sparrows can mean: eternity, luck, and innocence. Sparrows can travel great distances, but always return home.

The sparrow is an inconspicuous small bird, buff and brown, it flits from here to there in the company of other sparrows, free to take flight as and when it pleases.

These Sparrow Tattoos are typically worn somewhere on the hands, wrists or arms, but they can really be placed pretty much anywhere on the body. Most sparrow tattoos are quite small, like the birds themselves.

Sailors traditionally would get a sparrow tattoo for every 5,000 nautical miles that they have traveled. You would get one after traveling 5,000 miles and the second after traveling another 5,000. The origins of the swallow tattoo go back to a ship named The Swallow; the crew of the ship had a mutiny. To recognize each other, the 7 mutineers who started the mutiny had a swallow tattooed on their chest.

Sailors earn the right to the wear "blue birds of happiness" tattoos on either side of their chest after having crossed the Equator. Also it has been said that they keep the sailors from drowning. The Sparrow has been said to symbolize a safe return home. When a sailor saw a swallow at sea, he knew he was very near land, and the swallows would lead them home. It is said that if the sailor does not survive his travels, and ends up drowning, the birds alight upon his soul and carry him from the murky waters, up to heaven.

Swallows can also symbolize renewal and fresh beginnings. With one swallow facing forward looking to the future.

Johnny Depps' character of Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean has made the Sparrow Tattoo very popular and a lot of fans have had a tattoo as a tribute. Sparrow tattoos also have their place in prison culture, where the Sparrow Tattoo symbolizes freedom. The sparrow symbolize freedom, some convicts choose sparrows as a statement about their own freedom, especially when they are getting near their release from prison.

You may not perceive the common sparrow as the bird of love, but a lot of people do. When sparrows mate, they mate for life. A sparrow is a symbol of finding your true love and can be very popular with couples to show their commitment and love and loyalty to each other.

Some tattoo artists would get sparrow tattoos somewhere on their body to draw the evil away from their bodies because they tattoo demons and anti-religious designs every day. They believe it will protect them from the evil spirits.

Sparrows are mentioned in the bible and have some religious meanings. Sparrow Tattoo should always be tattooed in pairs.

The Egyptians associate sparrows/swallows with the stars and believed that they caught the souls of those who have passed.

Lately Sparrow tattoo seem to be popular with those into Rockabilly and are tattooed on either side of the neck for guys or across the chest or abdomen for women.

It will be interesting to see if these Sparrow tattoos are still popular in years to come or just fade away.

Wrecking Balm Tattoo Removal Cream

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A tattoo is supposed to be permanent - after all, it's permanent ink in the skin that we're talking about. We don't always want to keep them, though, and that's why someone came up with ways you can remove a tattoo forever. This article will talk about a few methods available and will explain in detail how Wrecking Balm tattoo removal cream may be your best option.

Disappearing Tattoos

Of the many ways make that tattoo disappear, some work better than others. Below are a few different methods that are described so you can find the best way to remove tattoos for you:

Laser Tattoo Removal:

With this procedure, doctors take lasers and burn away the skin layers containing your tattoo. This can be effective, but is very expensive with a long recovery time.

Skin Peels:

This is similar to lasers but instead of light, it uses chemical abrasion to take away skin. This method can result in scaring and long recovery times as well.

Tattoo Removal Creams:

With this the advantages of the above methods are kept without the disadvantages. Creams penetrate the skin and attack the ink and generally are far less expensive or painful.

Wrecking Balm Tattoo Removal Cream

As you can see, there are great benefits that come with a cream instead of those options above that are more costly and aggravating. Wrecking Balm is finely tuned to be safely and unobtrusively effective, without causing pain. This product has natural ingredients that together offer you a better choice than unappealing options.

How Does Wrecking Balm Work?

WB fortunately is very simple to use. The three-step process is guaranteed to work by its inventors and begins with a skin scrub using a device designed to FDA standards. The second step involves a soft chemical peel that gets to the ink harmlessly, followed by the final step featuring a serum that dissolves the ink molecules without damaging your skin. If you use this process diligently every other day, Wrecking Balm claims results in as little as two months - faster than every at-home treatment available today.

The Ingredients

The trademarked serum featured in Wrecking Balm has natural ingredients such as those used in acne medications to regenerate damaged skin. There is also a skin lightening ingredient that makes the tattoo far less noticeable than it would be normally with other brands. Suffice to say, these ingredients are designed to be effective, yet safe.

What Makes Wrecking Balm Different?

The mechanical and chemical combination - a one-two punch of performance - is what sets WB apart from other products (not to mention the device it uses is approved by the FDA). You should investigate every course of action, but the makers are confident that you will choose the Wrecking Balm tattoo removal cream for you. Choose Wrecking Balm, and in time you'll never see that tattoo again.

Hawaii Tattoo Artists

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Perhaps you may have seen one of the recent TV series that showcase tattoo artists is Miami and L.A. Sure, they are good artists but L.A. And Miami are not the Mecca's for great tattoo artists. That status belongs to the islands of Hawaii where the tradition of tattoo can be traced back literally thousands of years.

The Tradition of Hawaiian Tattoo

Another factor that has contributed to the exponential growth in tattoo body art in Hawaii was the large number of military personnel that have been station there over the decades. Uncountable millions of tattoos have gone home with the solders and sailors that have visited the Hawaiian islands.

Japanese, Polynesian and Hawaiian Tattoo Art

Japanese culture is also firmly embedded in the volcanic soil of the islands and it can be seen in the many Japanese style tattoos that adorn the locals that call Hawaii their home. Of course Hawaii is also known around the globe for their traditional Polynesian and Hawaiian tattoo art.

Gaining a Thorough Understanding

When you set out to explore traditional Polynesian, Japanese or Hawaiian tattoo art prepare for an extensive and time consuming journey. There is an incredible amount of meaning that accompanies the various tattoos and understanding them can take time.

Hawaiian Tattoo Artists

The good news is that there are plenty of highly qualified Hawaiian tattoo artists that will take the time to help you select the tattoo that suits you best. However; bear in mind that the best tattoo artists in Hawaii don't come cheap.

You Get What You Pay For

This doesn't mean that you have to mortgage your home to get an authentic Hawaiian tattoo from an island artist. You can start out with something small or simple and build on it as you can afford it over time. Remember, the ache of bad work done cheaply lingers so much longer then the sting of beautiful yet costly Hawaiian tattoo work done by a recognized artist.

How to Make Temporary Tattoos Look Real

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Have you every thought about getting a tattoo?  If so, a temporary tattoo is a great way to try a creative art design and it gives you extra time to see whether or not a tattoo is right for you.  You might be surprised to find that you can actually make a temporary tattoo look just like a real one with a little extra preparation.  It is a simple process and one that will enable you to enjoy your tattoo for a longer period of time.

If you want to have a real looking tattoo without totally committing to a permanent design the select your artwork carefully.  There are a number of artists now that create temporary tattoo designs.  They display their work on the internet and it is easy to compare designs and find that one special design that is right for you.  If you are undecided about using color in your design then try one of the black line tattoos.  These are striking outlines and when you want to add a little color you can actually use face paint to color it in.  This process allows you to explore various color options until you find a combination that you like and feel comfortable wearing.

Once you find your design it is time to decide where to apply it.  When you are trying out tattoos it is always best to keep them in area where you can cover them up easily if you need to.  Arms can be covered with clothing.  The same goes for back areas and your legs. You also want to make sure that the area you select will be one that you can reach comfortably to work on your tattoo.  You might want to make revisions or remove it altogether and try a different one in a new area.  By using temporary designs in this manner you can even decide if you might like several small tattoos or perhaps one large design.

When it comes time to apply your temporary tattoo make sure you read the application instructions.  It is important to practice the right preparation and technique. If you want to make a temporary tattoo look real then remember the two things makeup artists do to make the ones they apply look real.  First, shave the area where you area where you apply it.  Use an application system that professionals use.  Make sure to read detailed instructions on applying a variety of tattoos to get your technique right.  When the creation you apply has dried remember to set your design with translucent powder.  It gives a nice, soft matte finish that blends the design to your skin tone.

Temporary tattoos are fun to wear and your favorite designs can even look real if you follow these easy professional tips for tattoo application.  When you make sure to select a unique design that speaks to your heart, choose a special place for your tattoo and apply it correctly, you will find that your design lasts longer and looks real.  You might even decide you want to keep yours forever and get a permanent design.  Have fun with your new tattoo!

Tribal Peace Sign Tattoo - Tips on Getting Your New Tattoo!

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Have you decided that you want a tribal peace sign tattoo? That is a great way to show off how you feel about peace, but you need to make sure that you do good research before you begin. And that is where this article will help!

Tattoos, they're not just for criminals, the military and bikers anymore. What was once something that was often found in seedy backrooms and bars has now become mainstream. Over the last twenty years tattoos have enjoyed a renaissance, and you're ready to join in with your new tribal tattoo. Once you know what you want, it's time to find the artist and the location to have it done. Many people hit up a search engine, look up images of the type of tattoo they want to have. I ask you though, why do that? Do you really want to have a permanent logo on your body that hundreds, maybe thousands, already have? It's already embarrassing to show up at a party with the same clothes as someone else has on. Imagine showing up with the same tattoo!

I'll tell you how to avoid that from happening. Instead of just searching for your type of tattoo, I suggest you go to a pay-website that specializes in your type of tattoo. Find original works of art for sale, so that once you buy it, no one else can have it. Sure, it's a little more expensive that way, but the extra money goes a long way in quality of the work from a solid artist, and the health issues you might experience from a less-than-reputable shop. You'll also have the satisfaction of a one-off original piece of art that you don't have to hang up on a wall for a few to see. You can share yours with the world.

Good luck getting your new tribal peace sign tattoo!

Full Half and Quarter Sleeve Tattoo Designs A Complete Guide

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Wondering what the heck a sleeve tattoo is? Well they are one of the most popular of all tattoos and they look great. Very basically a sleeve tattoo is any tattoo design that covers up the majority of the skin in a certain area. For example a full arm would be a full sleeve tattoo. These are becoming increasingly popular as the overall trend for tattoos rises and people discover more and more about body art. They can be a wonderful tattoo design if you have carefully thought about what you want to get and the artist you are going to work with. Here is some more advice about getting sleeved.

What Is A Sleeve Tattoo?

Some of you might be wondering where did they get their name and how it is different from regular tattoos? Typically sleeve tattoos are done on arms can also be done on the legs. They are any type of tattoo that fully covers this can so that little to no skin is showing through the tattoo. They're often called sleeve tattoos because they look very some similar to wearing a long sleeved shirt. Fact, you have probably seen fake or sleeves being sold on eBay and these are just the sleeves of a shirt with an intricate tattoo design.

Popular Designs And Ideas

Of course if you're getting a sleeve that to an article at the time that you want it by all means go with that design. However, if you are still contemplating what you want to include in your design are the exact details of your design are some of the more popular ideas that people use with getting sleeve tattoos.

1. Traditional Japanese Designs - another very popular theme for sleeve tattoos are traditional Japanese designs. The Japanese have a long history of tattooing and theme of the designs of koi fish, samurai, and cherry blossoms can often be interwoven beautifuly.

2. Floral Patterns - there are many different floral patterns and can easily be adapted or tweaked into a tattoo. These are typically more delicate feminine nature but don't necessarily have to be.

3. Celtic Designs - Celtic knotwork often lends itself to tattoo designs. The intricate nature of the interwoven knotwork could make a beautiful design. Since there is so much space or canvas available on your arms often one can include knotwork animals and even calligraphy into an overall Celtic design.

4. Tribal - These take large tribal tattoo designs and spread them out over the large canvas. These are often very popular ideas for guys as the bold strong black lines of a tribal design can look pretty cool. You are thinking about getting tribal design then you want to carefully consider the culture and the style you want. Many of the native cultures have very developed tattoo designs that have been carried over into modern tattoo art. For example, you can get a Maroi Tattoo or possibly a Hawaiian tattoo.

Time, Cost and Commitment

sleeve tattoos are typically very large and intricate designs which can take a long time to complete. Therefore they compete more expensive and require a great deal of commitment. So you might be wondering how much will sleeve tattoo design costs? This could depend on a variety of different factors such as the popularity of the tattoo designer, the type of design that you want, and if you decide to get a custom tattoo versus standard flash. All prices can range greatly and there is no set amount typically full sleeve tattoos can run between $500-$2000.

Typically ssleeves are done over multiple sessions lasting about an hour each. Most full sleeve to designs can be done with about 20 sessions over 20 hours of total work. Depending on the availability of your tattoo artist as might be scheduled at one session per week so a full sleeve tattoo could take easily over 20 weeks.

You are considering getting a full sleeve tattoo you want to carefully consider the design in the tattoo artist. Spent some time before hand considered both these factors could play major role in your overall experience of getting a full sleeve tattoo. Try to find an artist does want to work with you and listen to your ideas and a design that you are happy with.

Tattoo Design - Show Your Love to Your Mom, Get a Mom Tattoo Done!

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As you know, tattoos have been there for many years. It's been said that in Egypt, the pharaohs and queens had donned tattoos. During the middle ages, a Mom Tattoo was very popular among the sailors. The story behind the mom tattoo was that, an Irish sailor who was exposed to the people of New Zealand had got a tattoo done. The Tattoo has got a Sabre within the heart, which got a banner in it that saying "Mother". From that time this tattoo design has become very famous among the sailors and among the people of the 19th century.

Mom Tattoo can be seen mostly on servicemen, men and bikers and few other women too, who get themselves a mom tattoo done on their body. But they do not go in for the traditional method. Instead, they come up with designs that are cute with the word "Mommy" or "Mom" it. This tattoo art explains that there is no greater love than the love shared between a mother and a child. After nine months of having the baby inside her womb, she gives birth to the baby with great difficulty. And the baby comes out, crying at the top of his voice, taking its first breath to meet his mother for the first time and gets to have an eye to eye contact with her That, connection formed that moment can never be broken.

I have seen many people, after giving birth to a child. Change their way of living just for the child's sake. A mom gives up everything in life just for the happiness of her child. That's why, Mom Tattoo are so special and close to the heart. Sometimes, even the parents celebrate the birth of their child by having a tattoo done with their baby names. Tattoo like footprints of the baby, Baby names and similar tattoos that explains the mommy love. Mom tattoo inks are available in tons of vibrant colors and easy to apply.

Mom Tattoos in short, can be said a artistic representation in the form of tattoo to honor the mother who has brought you into this world.

Tattoo Design Pics - Why You Should Check Out Tattoo Design Pictures Online Before You Get Inked

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Tattoo design pics offer a fantastic way to preview what your tattoo design will look like before you take the plunge and get inked. When you are getting ready to get your first tattoo, you may think that you can just walk into a tattoo parlor, sit down, and have the artist start inking you. But, there is so much work to be done before you ever get to that point. You really need to take your time to make sure that the decision you are making is a sound one that you will be happy with for the rest of your life. If you are looking into getting a tattoo, then you should be looking at tattoo design pics before you ever walk into the tattoo parlor.

Tattoo design pics are one of the best ways to really get to see the variety of tattoos that are out there. What you see on the arms and chests of your favorite stars or athletes is only a small piece of what is out there, waiting for you to choose from. When you start looking online for designs of tattoos, you will soon see that you could have a lot of trouble deciding on a style.

When you are looking at tattoo design pics, one of the first things to look at is the location of the tattoo. If you are a guy who wants a tattoo on his chest, you should keep in mind (especially if you are young), that at some time you may have a lot of hair covering that tattoo. Will you want to shave it all your life, just so people can see it? Or, do you want to intentionally place it somewhere that will be covered up?

If you are a woman, you should keep in mind that, especially when putting a tattoo on your breasts that at some point your skin and your shape will not look as good as it does when you are young. What will that tattoo look like after you have had a child, for instance? By looking at tattoo design pics, especially those that are on younger people, keep in mind that your body will change over time - and so will the shape and look of your tattoo.

Looking at tattoo design pics online for tattoo designs, styles, placement and color, is a great way to find out what you want in a tattoo. It also helps you to confirm that what you have in mind really does look good on someone else, and to use as a tool to bring to the tattoo artist.

Tattoo Designs & Your First Tattoo - What's Right For You, What to Avoid

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There are so many different options when choosing a tattoo design, it's often overwhelming at first. You know you're ready to get your first tattoo. Fortunately for the current younger generations, getting a tattoo isn't as taboo as it used to be. You no longer have people staring at you like you're an old sailor or are fresh out of prison. In fact, tattoos have become quite socially acceptable - after all, all your friends have them, models have them, movie stars have them, rock stars have them.

Tattoos are a great way of self expression, but how do you stand out from everyone else's "I love Sheila" or "I heart Mom" tattoos? There's nothing better than a unique design, but a design that is still very meaningful to you, even though it might not be totally unique can be perfect. Why is it so important to have a unique design? Well, other than the fact that you'll have the ink permanently (important to remember at all times before deciding to get a tattoo - laser removal isn't perfect yet) it's always great to have a unique story.

Here's an example - a friend of this author got one of those copy-and-paste "tribal" tattoos. He's pretty popular with the ladies, and the first thing they always ask is, "Oh wow, this is really neat, what does it mean?" So he has to sit there and explain that it doesn't really mean anything, he just thought it looked neat. Not very smooth.

A different friend has an amazing sleeve (two, actually), all the images intertwined and coalescing in a very artistic way. They were custom drawings, drawings from his favorite artists, and so on - whenever a person asks him why he got the tattoos or what the designs mean, he has great stories to tell.

So there's the difference between your run of the mill tattoo design, and a tattoo design that has plenty of meaning behind it. You've got that part down, so what should you avoid?

Well, unless you actually know a person that speaks Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, or any other Asian language and can confirm the character you're having stamped on your butt doesn't say "more ketchup please," the best advice is to just avoid that style of tattoo all together. In this author's opinion, it's no longer unique, it's very played out.

Don't be afraid when getting "inked" for the first time. It's not quite as painful as you might have heard. Some people even enjoy the experience. Just make sure it's not one that you'll regret - you'll have that tattoo design for quite a long while.

The Miraculous Tattoo

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Did you know the future of tattooing is here now? Would you believe me if I told to, right now, you could have your choice of a tattoo that could be permanently removed with a single pass of the laser or a tattoo that would disappear on its own? Surprise the miraculous tattoo! The future is now.

Lets take a look at tattoo problems as they exist today and how the miraculous tattoo can solve them.

Basically tattoo problems can be broken down into two areas. Safety and the ability to be removed sometime in the future. The miraculous tattoo solves both of these problems.

Let's consider safety. Unlike the pharmaceutical, food, or cosmetic industries, the tattoo industry is not regulated by any Federal agency or the FDA. The individual states determine how the tattoo industry is to be regulated.

Since the tattoo industry is unregulated, the constituents of the inks used for tattooing is unregulated. These inks can actually be made of organic dyes, metallic salts, or really anything else which can result in possible allergic reactions to the inks themselves. Now, due to the various ingredients that these inks are made from; if in the future you want to remove these tattoos, with a laser, the possibility of getting 100% tattoo removal is slim to none since there is no uniformity in the ink composition.

There is currently a new ink technology used in the miraculous tattoo that combines state-of-the-art biotechnology to formulate biocompatible and biodegradable, inks for the application in miraculous tattoos. Additionally the exciting, new miraculous tattoo technology, encapsulates the inks and makes tattoo removal easy.

The new miraculous tattoo microsphere technology encapsulates the biodegradable ink in PMMA or polymethylmethacrylate microcapsules. Of course, in these microcapsules are the microscopic biodegradable ink droplets. The beauty of the miraculous tattoo system is the biodegradable ink never touches human tissue. Now, 25 years later, when you decide to get your tattoo removed, all you need is a single pass of a laser to burst the microcapsule containing the biodegradable ink and your tattoo disappears, traditionally.

But that's not all! Another miraculous tattoo technology is a self disappearing tattoo. The new safe, high tech biocompatible inks used in the self disappearing tattoos is basically a time release ink capsule that simply disappears after time. The biggest advantage of the miraculous tattoo is you get a permanent tattoo, that is really a temporary tattoo that disappears without having to use the laser.

So in summary, we truly have a miraculous tattoo. We now have standardized, biodegradable biocompatible inks, eliminating the possibility of allergic reactions and hazardous materials being introduced into our bodies due to unknown ink constituents. The microencapsulated, biocompatible inks that are easily eliminated by one pass lasers thus getting rid of the permanent tattoo, if you want. And finally, the option of a permanent tattoo that disappears on a predetermined time released schedule.

I think we entered Nirvana!

Tattoo Designs - 3 Tips For No Regret Tattoo Designs

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One of the biggest fears with getting a tattoo is the regret factor. Many people worry that after they get their tattoo design, they will regret it and wish they never went through with it.

There are some excellent tips to avoid this scenario, and not have any regrets about your tattoo.

Here are three tips on how you can avoid being regretful about your tattoo design decision.

1. Look into the future.

This is probably the hardest one to do, so let's get it over with first. When you pick your design, and choose where to get it placed, try to look into the future, several years ahead and honestly ask yourself if you think you will be happy with this tattoo then.

Have respect for tattoos, by recognizing that they are not something temporary. They are permanent fixtures and you want to be as happy about your ink in 20 years as you are the day you get it.

2. Good Tattoo Artist.

This is going to make a big difference in how well you like your tattoo. A good tattoo artist will ensure you won't have regrets by doing a top notch job. Not only will your ink be high quality, but it will last longer and still look good several years down the road. Lesser quality ink jobs can look really horrible and deteriorate much faster.

3. Tattoo Gallery for high quality designs.

Now days with the internet, a high quality, good looking design is very easy to find. There are excellent online tattoo galleries in which top artists post their work, all of which are the latest and greatest tattoo designs. Most are constantly updated so you won't miss out on anything new that comes out. This is a great way to easily find the right design that fits you and have no regrets about it.

Choosing A Tattoo Style That Fits Your Body Type - Four Perfect Tattoo Art Work Designs

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Finding the perfect tattoo style for your body can be a pain, but these tattoo art work designs will give you a clearer idea of your choices.

When choosing the best tattoo style for you, there will be times when you run into a confusing number of designs and art work. Tattoos are very popular nowadays, so you want to make sure you get the most original tattoo style possible. While you can pick a category that a lot of people have inked on them, you should never get a flash art design, or any design for the matter, tattooed onto your skin. You should always pick the perfect design and put your own touches on it, whether you do it yourself, or you are helped by your local tattoo artist.

So, what is the best tattoo style for your body? You be the judge. Here are five of the best tattoo styles available, that look the best on a wide number of body types. Remember, when searching the web for images of the perfect design, most of the stuff you are seeing is so widespread that countless people already have those inked on them. There are, however, state of the art tattoo sites out there that only have original artwork that is not plastered on everybody's body.

New School Tattoo Style - This is the modern and newer version of the tattoo style that usually includes anchors and swallows. Sailors used to wear these back In the day and they are now making a huge comeback. Good tattoo artists are now becoming very creative with these designs. They are now a lot more animated and much brighter in appearance. Even women are now getting anchors and swallows on their neck area and loving it. Placement is a huge thing to consider if you want them to look perfect. Overall, the New School tattoo style is a must see.

Japanese Kanji Tattoo Style - Japanese tattoos, especially Kanji, are usually seen on people who have "full sleeve" tattoos. This tattoo style has been used as a full arm piece in the past, but it is now making a strong run with the arm and shoulder crowd, even if you don't want a full sleeve.

Tribal Tattoo Style - Tribal tattoos have been around for a very long time. They have been seen on people even before your Grandparents were born and they will be here even after you pass away. This is a timeless piece, but all too often, you will see guys tat get generic, off the wall designs plastered on them. Long story short, this is not the way to go. You want to be very original if you are going to get a tribal tattoo style and since it is extremely easy to create a 100% original tribal tattoo, why wouldn't you want an all original design? It amazes me and others how men can pick a tribal right off of the wall and want it put onto their body. You could even consider getting color ink put into your tribal tattoo style of choice, as this is a very new way to stand out and the designs look better than ever.

Star Tattoo Style - The days of a girl putting random stars on her stomach are coming to an end. So many women have the same generic stars on their bodies that you don't even notice the artwork anymore. There are now better, more original ways to implement the star tattoo style, so please, take the time to think of something creative.

You should always sift through and choose your tattoo style of choice very carefully. Spend as much time as it takes to find a handful of the best designs for your particular taste. Never get a certain tattoo style on impulse, because you will usually regret getting it sooner rather than later. Also, never go to a random tattoo parlor before you find out feedback from other people that have gone there. You should also do yourself a favor and always look through the artist's portfolio. Following these tips will make certain that you get the perfect tattoo style, whether is a flash art design or a black and white piece. Getting the perfect tattoo style has never been easier.

The Hottest Tattoo Designs For Girls

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Are you looking for something that is feminine unique and different for a great looking tattoo design for girls? In the past few years women have really come into their own in the world of tattoo design. More and more designs are being created for them and there are more female tattoo artists than ever before. Just take a show like LA Ink and Kat Von Dee and her group. You know this type of show would not have been possibly 15 years ago. So how can you find great tattoo designs for girls? Where should you look and how do you choose. All to often women will find themselves frustrated and fed up with trying to find a design. This article will help you identify some sources where you can find great tattoo designs then what to do with those designs to make them into your own unique and original tattoo.

Sources of Tattoo Designs

One of the frustrations that people often run into when trying to get a tattoo design is they come up with some idea in their head and then they search the internet or look in shops to find the exact design they have in their head. Here are some great sources to help get you started.

Bookstore - We all know about the local bookstore but these days many book stores are carrying more and more books on tattoos. In the not too far away past there was typically one or two books available. These days there are tons of books available and if you cannot find it at a local book store you could try Amazon. You will want to start be looking in the art section typically.

Library - Library is pretty much the same thing however your resources available here are often less than in a bookstore. On the upside you can borrow them for free and copy any design and ideas you like.

Magazines - There are at least four or five major tattoo magazine as out on the newsstand these days. In fact there are some that tailor to tattoo designs for girls even. So this is a great place to find materials and designs that you like.

Internet - There are three different types of sites on the internet but they can both be tremendously helpful and you will find a bit about them below.

Tattoo Design Sites - Tattoo design sites typically specialize in finding great designs and even employing tattoo artists to crank out design work. The better sites will typically charge a monthly fee where as the free sites typically have less art at a lesser quality of perfection. So with these sites it is best just to pay.

Community Sites - Community sites like Myspace and copies of these have latched on to the whole Web2.0 craze and you can find specific member built tattoo sites. These can help in find a ton of great pictures of tattoo designs that have already been done for other people. You can also ask for help from the members.

Search Engine - Most search engines today have a specialized search feature for images only. For example Google has a Google Image Search which will bring back only pictures of a certain type of tattoo design. These are copyrighted but you can use them still so don't worry.

How To Use What You Find

So you have been diligent and done your work and went to these sites, drove to your bookstore and went by the library and don't have much to show for it? Well, that has a lot to do with your mindset and how you are looking. This will help so read it carefully. You are probably looking for the exact tattoo design that you have in your head. Instead of just trying to find that because you probably won't ever locate it instead look for resources. These resources are just copies of designs you like or print out of pictures on scraps of paper. These can really help your tattoo artist to get a grasp on what you are after in your design. Then just let them go for it and design the tattoo. After they have done a sketch you will get a chance to approve it. If you have reservations or want something change speak now or forever hold your peace.

Finding An Artist

So that leads a person to finding a good tattoo artist. This is not really all that hard. Be open and communicate with people and you will find someone pretty quickly. It is best to visit shops in your area and see if you don't connect with one of the artists. Try to find someone you can talk with easily and express what you are looking for. Then you can start to discuss price and move forward if you are comfortable. If you get a snotty feeling form the person, they don't listen to you or you are not sure just back out. Don't ever try to negotiate on price and treat all the artist and people in the store with respect. Don't be afraid of anyone but be respectful.

Tattoo Words and Sayings

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Many people opt for words or sayings to accompany their tattoo image. But sometimes the tattoo words or sayings are the actual image themselves. Here are three examples of popular tattoo words and sayings:

1. "In memory of"

Obviously this is used to commemorate a lost one, whether it be a relative, a friend, or even a pet. In memory of ink is excellent to get to forever remember someone and pay tribute to them.

Many times the words "in memory of" are accompanied with another design. Common designs include a heart or hearts. Though something more specific and personal that is relevant to the lost individual may be added as well.

2. "Love/Hate"

This is a tattoo saying or wording you don't see too often anymore, though every now and then you will see some fresh ink with the love/hate lettering. This is most commonly placed on the knuckles, and is usually a stand alone design.

The love/hate tattoo can also be accompanied by an image, usually with a banner below the image reading "love hate". I've seen all kinds of different designs accompanied with this popular tattoo saying.

3. Chinese lettering

This is generally a stand alone tattoo as the lettering itself is usually the actual art and design. Though some wearers will choose to have small lettering accompany a tattoo design.

You can choose whatever saying or symbol you like with the Chinese lettering tattoo, simply by researching the meaning your after, then looking at the lettering representation to find out if it's to your liking.

Knuckle Tattoos!

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A great tattoo placement idea are the knuckles. This makes a permanent, strong statement and serves as a constant reminder of the symbolism or phrasing that you've chosen to get inked. Here are some important points on getting your knuckles tatted:

1. Make sure you are confident about knuckle tattoo placement.

Obviously this is an area where cover up is not much of an option in day to day life. You're knuckle ink is going to become a part of your character, much more than say a shoulder or back tat. It's going to become one of the main features you'll be identified with in society, so make sure you're cool with that.

2. Make sure your confident with your design choice.

Lettering should always be thought about long and hard, and since lettering is a common knuckle tattoo, the display will be front and center and you should make sure the word(s) will last in meaning and significance. Four letter words may have seemed cool when you were a rebellious eighteen year old, but will they seem cheesy when your thirty? Same goes with girlfriend/boyfriend names, groups, gangs, clubs, or philosophical sayings.

3. Research Detailed Design Options.

This refers to the specific form of font or lettering you choose. You can make a great knuckle tattoo idea look amazing with the right font or lettering choice. Definitely look into different fonts as your options are not limited to just standard lettering. An easy and convenient way to research fonts is by browsing through online tattoo galleries so as to make sure you find the right lettering design that fits your knuckle tattoo's.

Tattooing Tips - 5 Tips to Tattoo Appointment Day

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There are five key things you need to know before heading off to the Tattoo Parlor

on tattoo appointment day. This article will cover those five key points to help ensure

that when you finally put ink to skin, you are completely ready and do not have any

last minute snags in your tattoo plan.

I have to admit, the first time I went to get a tattoo, I was pretty nervous, I

absolutely had no idea what to expect at all and I was really wondering just "How

painful is this going to be?"

Looking back on my tattoos now, and since I have undergone numerous tattoos,

I know what to expect, and what to prepare for when it comes to Tattoo Appointment


Here five Tattooing Tips - Preparing for Tattoo Appointment Day

1) Tip 1: No Booze! I know you are nervous and you would not mind 'numbing' the pain with a few shots of liquor before you go. But doing this or any kind of drugs is a big no-no.

Alcohol thins the blood and thinner blood bleeds easier and takes longer to heal. Sure it

might make it a little less painful, but bleeding like a stuck pig will make it more difficult

for the tattoo artist to do his thing. You want the artist to have a 'clean' slate to work with

and do not want him to have to battle with you bleeding all over the place every time he puts

ink to skin. A tattoo that bleeds a lot is also messier to heal, which can result in a flawed

"end result" tattoo.

2) Tip 2: Go in super clean! Take your your daily shower just before your tattoo appointment. If you are like me and have to have a shower every morning regardless, then either schedule your tattoo appointment shortly after you wake up or just take another one right before you

visit the tattoo parlor. The Tattoo artist is going to be right up on you, and you want them to be extremely comfortable there. If you smell, at all, it is going to be a major distraction to the tattoo artist and they probably will not do as good of a job. Do not wear heavy perfume or cologne either, just nice clean skin.

Also keep in mind that post tattoo, you do not want to get your tattoo wet, especially right after having it done. Get clean first.

3) Tip 3: Wear comfortable clothes to your appointment! If your clothing is going to cover the tattoo, don't wear white. A little blood could get on your clothes from the bandage and, well, we all know what blood does to white . I also recommend wearing loose fitting clothes so they won't be too tight on the sore tattoo . If you are a woman and you are getting a tattoo on your arm, you might consider wearing a tank top so you don't have to remove your shirt, although you probably won't hear any complaints form the tattoo artist.

4 ) Tip 4: Take a DISTRACTION for yourself. Bring something with you to take your mind off having the tattoo done. A MP3 player is of course a good idea, as well as a book or magazine. Most tattoo artists ( like mine ) will talk to you during the process, but sometimes it is hard to hear over

the buzzing of the tattoo gun, and the shooting pain.

5 ) Tip 5: Eat something before you go. Some people can get light headed and even faint while having a tattoo put on, and having food on your stomach will help. Also, it takes a while, typically a couple hours, for even small tattoos to be put on. You do not want to be hungry on top of enduring the tattoo application.

Alright, those are my five tips to preparing for tattoo appointment day. I hope this article has been informative and will help make your first tattoo experience more pleasurable . For more tips on tattoo's, including how to pick the perfect tattoo for you, visit and you can get a FREE report on what NOT to do when selecting you tattoo!

Sources for Free Tattoo Ideas and Tattoo Design Ideas

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Have you been wanting to get a tattoo but don't have an exact idea or not sure what you want? Tattoos are so popular and there are so many ideas but many of us feel stuck at times on the exact tattoo we want to get. For me I often feel stuck when I think of how permanent a tattoo is. I see a lot of cool designs that I like at the time but when I start thinking about the having it permanently done I start to change my mind and look for something else.

Others have the idea or rough plan of what they want but they can't find any good source material or flash that matches what they want. Some of our customers state that they have spent months looking for a certain tattoo design. They look through all of the flash sites and etc. but still can not find what they are looking for.

This is a huge problem, you end up wasting a lot of time and feeling frustrated. However there are some simple ways around this problem.

1. First you should always pull ideas for tattoos from things that you like or are into. Don't go and get a tattoo just because you saw someone with one and you thought he or she was cool. A tattoo will be with you forever and so it should be something from you not from outside. Along these lines don't do the stupid thing of going out to get a tattoo with a friend and be pressured into getting the same thing he or she gets just because you don't want to look stupid. Tattoos are permanent and therefore should state something about you and what you love. Therefore if you spend time just thinking about the things you like and things that you identify yourself with you are likely to come up with some great ideas. For example for me I love being outdoor and nature and so I like star tattoos a lot and nature themes. I also like a lot of the native American and traditional Japanese designs. My wife is from Japan and she has this plan of getting a Cherry tree branch full of cherry blossoms across her back. These are very significant images for the Japanese. They symbolizes the new year and new life or even renewal of life. So as you can see your tattoo should be something you identify with.

2. Once you have some rough ideas it is typically time to go online and look for some images. Now lets take the Cherry blossom for example. Some place you could look for a tattoo would be clip art. You can search using Google's image search feature or go to Microsoft online clipart gallery. Either place you can find either a clip art drawn piece or actual source photos. Both will lead you to some good source materials that will help in the design stage.

3. Next you want to take you source materials (photos or clip art) and show them to a tattoo artists. You might also try some initial sketches if you are artistically inclined. Even something with simple line art or pigeon scratches can tell you tattoo artists a lot about what you are looking for. So take everything you got and show it to your tattoo artist and then let them design the tattoo for you. Remember the more accurate and detailed you can be with your description the more happy you are going to be with the results and the whole process will be much easier.

4. Most tattoo artists will then provide you with an actual design shaded in and with color and the line art of the design. If you are getting this done online then you can take that to your local tattoo parlor and find some one to do the actual tattoo for you. Often you can also ask for referrals from the original tattoo artists. Typically they can do the work themselves if you live within driving range.

If you take these steps into consideration and actually do a little bit of homework and find your source materials and provide lots of details about what you are looking for then you are sure to get the design of your dreams.

Selecting a Thigh Tattoo Or Leg Tattoo Design - Finding Quality Art Online

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Selecting a thigh tattoo or any leg tattoos can be a very painful process. With all of the generic crud out there online, you will need to know how to bypass it and get straight to the quality artwork on the internet, which I will show you, because his type of tat can be one of the most impress there is.

You should not settle for a Google search, or some generic, cookie-cutter website when you are trying to find a thigh tattoo or any leg tattoos. Thee types of places are filled with designs and artwork that is plastered all over the internet already. Most of the art here is over five years old, also. Who knows how may other people have those tats inked on their legs and thighs already? You want your choice to high quality and original.

The way past all of this starts with using internet forums. Forums are filled with tons of useful information about tats, even a thigh tattoo and tons of leg tattoos. Remember, people love to brag to others when they find a hidden treasure, such as a websites that it filled with quality, original artwork that they have been looking for. There is no easier way for these folks to spread to word to other people that are looking for the same thing than by using a forum and you can reap the benefits of their luck. Whether it's a high quality thigh tattoo you seek, or you want information on different types of leg tattoos, you will be sure to get a hold of it here.

Looking for the right thigh tattoo or leg tattoos on the internet should be fun, so go ahead and get the quality designs and artwork you have always wanted online.

Tattoo Drawings Are The Foundation Of A Great Tattoo

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Tattoo Drawings

When looking at tattoo drawings we must first of all consider the different types of tattoo available so we can make a decision on which design to go for, including the consideration of opting for a custom tattoo or a pre-made design. Here are some suggestions that you may wish to look at tattoo drawings for or even come up with your own: -

Kanji Tattoo

These are originally from China and are made up of pictures ( symbols ) which represent meanings. It can be tricky to find Kanji tattoos that have meanings which make perfect sense. More importantly perhaps is the consideration whether the meaning is best suited to males or females.

Dragon Tattoos

These are popular and are coming back into fashion. These tattoos have many different types of dragon ranging from traditional to mythical dragons.

Custom Tattoo

Rather than choosing a pre-set design, you can get a custom tattoo design or tattoo drawing and have it done by a professional tattoo artist. These tattoos can really reflect the personality of the person that has chosen a custom tattoo that means something to them. Before deciding on the right custom tattoo for you it is highly recommended to look at a lot of tattoo drawings and designs. You can always get these altered for uniqueness. The designer may also be able to assist you in choosing a custom tattoo.

Small Tattoos

These are particularly popular for covering up blemishes and birthmarks. They are also popular with people getting their very first tattoo.

Tribal Tattoos

Tattoos that originate from tribes are classed as or called Tribal Tattoos. They have been around for literally thousands of years and are still popular in modern society despite the fact that most people no longer belong to tribes. They are very much associated with history and culture.

There are many more types of tattoo on the market. The key is to look at lots of tattoo drawings and designs to decide which theme you want to go for. You then want to seek the services of a good tattoo artist to make your chosen design a reality. Bringing along your own tattoo drawings or designs are a great basis for the artist to work with you in implementing the design. You can also find more information on tattoos, henna design and temporary tattoos at

Tattoo Letter Designs - Styles and Designs You Should Know

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What letter tattoo designs describe you best?

If tattoos are to define your personality or beliefs, then what better way to describe you through tattoo letter designs? Letterings give more challenge and uniqueness to your tattoo designs. The fact that it is easy to customize as you please, it would be less likely that you get the same tattoo design with other people since you personally design it yourself.

There are a variety of ways which you can choose from for your tattoo letter designs. Letters can be designed to fit your manly or girly style. For women, the distinctive script techniques are usually curlier and more artistic lettering are used for the designs. With men, it's simpler and bolder making use of block letterings and are often placed at the larger part of their bodies.

Types of letterings

You can find various types of scripts for your tattoo letter designs. Here are some of the most popular selections that can be found on people's bodies:

Names with preferred script

Short excerpts from a favorite poem of novel

A special word that is significant to you or to someone important.

Friendship letterings are popular as well among friends to represent solidity and endurance

For your lettering choices, here are few of the several designs available which you could choose from: Celtic font or old English scripts are among the popular ones along with Sanskrit design. The Japanese Kanji writing is promising as well. The new ambigram tattoo letter style is designed in a manner that it can be interpreted in two different meanings, or in an upside down manner.

Choosing your words

Tattoo letter designs should reflect your uniqueness. Script styling is very important if you want distinction as it would stay with you forever and you can be proud of the design that you have come up with.

Deciding on what words to use for your tattoo designs should be done carefully as you can be carrying this mark permanently.

Choosing, designing and interpreting your unique tattoo letter designs make the tattooing experience exciting. You can always browse the net or use books and magazines to look for the best lettering designs for you.